Why Preferring a Small Agency

While big Language Service Providers can handle big volumes and dozens of languages 😎, companies with moderate needs looking for better quality will often benefit more from a collaboration with a smaller agency 🏠

[LSP➡ Smaller agency ➡ Linguist] vs. [Smaller agency ➡ Linguist]

A big LSP will often have to subcontract the job to smaller agencies, which subcontract it to freelance linguists. This can have many advantages, such as having access to a larger pool, not having to manage an end to end process, and so on. This also comes with several drawbacks.

Here are the advantages to collaborating with a smaller agency that directly works with linguists 👌 :

💲 The client does not pay for the number of intermediates. They pay the small agency for project management (and sometimes review steps) and the linguist for linguistic tasks. As a result, the agency can call upon better professionals, pay them a decent rate and deliver better quality.

🗣 The communication is more efficient, as any instruction from the client will go through 1/2 intermediates only (language lead and project manager).

The linguists have the opportunity to ask questions to the end client, which could actually be very useful, especially in cases where the client’s general instructions do not apply. In this case, the client feels that their content is carefully taken care of 👓.

More time is dedicated to performing the task, rather than subcontracting it. The linguists have thus more time to carry out the tasks, as the communication channels are more direct, and can deliver better quality 🕑 .

🔎 The smaller agency directly working with translators knows who (which linguist) takes on the work, their level of experience and their areas of specialization as they check their backgrounds.

🎯 Last but not least, instead of applying a fixed pricing and the same process for each project, the small agency will adapt the process and the price based on each project’s requirements. This results in a more customized offering, an adjusted pricing and thus, an increase in quality.
