The Way out of Fear

Well-being at work is very important to our small team 🧘‍♀️ . We believe that, if you’re going to dedicate most of your time to a job, whatever it is, it should make you feel:

🔸 Valued ➡ “My work is meaningful and rewarding to me.”
🔸 Energized ➡”My work is not draining, it is motivating.”
🔸 Empowered ➡ “I feel and act like a partner for my customers.”

We have a passion for well-being and personal development. This is why we are always incredibly happy to collaborate with companies that specialize in well-being, as we share the same values.

Every Monday, we try and start the week with good vibes 💪. Today, this motivational quote caught our attention.

Very often, we refrain from doing things because of fear. While fear can sometimes help us be cautious and protect us, it should not stand as an obstacle, a paralyzing factor, between us and what we yearn for.

While it can be hard to get rid of fear, we can transform it into a driving force by acknowledging it’s there, accepting it and seeing it as what it truly is: an emotion that sometimes comes from our limiting beliefs. While taking decisions on our lifepath, we can always ask ourselves:

❓”Am I (not) doing this out of fear or out of love/respect for myself?”
❓”What would be my choice if I wasn’t afraid anymore?”
❓”Is this choice based on my intuition or on a story that my brains tells me to prevent me from going for what I want, because deep down I think that I am not able to do it?”
❓ “Isn’t it better to try and fail than to be left wondering how it would have been if we had tried?”

Don’t let fear stand in the way! Take your power back 🕶

#employerbranding #xl8 #wellbeing #mindset #motivation
#t9n #languageservices #xl10n #g11n #i18n